SUMO Prague 2023 is an international gallery cooperative project organized by Alliance of Czech Contemporary Art Galleries. The fourth edition will take place from 20 – 24 September 2023 in Prague in cooperation with Prague Art Week. This year’s edition of SUMO reflects on the theme of collaboration within the art scene, its possibilities and limitations. For the first time, the centerpoint of the programme is a collective exhibition which will take place at the unique baroque hunting lodge “Šlechtovka” in Stromovka park, bringing together selected artists working with the participating galleries of SUMO. The curatorial concept of the exhibition will be developed by Tjaša Pogačar, independent curator and co-founder of the contemporary art platform ŠUM, and Jen Kratochvíl, director of Kunsthalle Bratislava. Another highlight of the SUMO programme this year will be a discussion with professionals from other gallery cooperative projects from abroad and will take place at the National Gallery Prague on 21 September.
Within the framework of SUMO, exhibitions, performances, and tours will take place in the individual spaces of the participating galleries, the programme of which has been developed in collaboration with international partners. The aim of SUMO is to bring contemporary art to a wider audience and to create more possibilities and perspectives by building a stronger network of galleries, curators, artists and critics locally and internationally.